Month of April 2020

Author: Jeri New, lifelong resident and Fire Chief. This is one of the many reasons I am so happy I live in Independence Township. While driving home from work on School Road, my husband noticed stuffed animals placed along the roadway and in resident's yards. He thought it was really cool and so he and I went out so i could see them too. When I mentioned it to my daughter-in-law, she told me about a Facebook page called "We're Going on a Bear Hunt". Apparently they ask people to place bears in windows, doorways, yards, etc so that families can go "hunting" and see how many they can find. Although we are all on a "stay at home" order, we are able to get out and get fresh air walking as long as we practice social distancing while doing it. Since we are such a rural area, a family drive might be a bit more appropriate though! I think we should all continue what our School Road neighbors are doing and place animals all through the township so we can all be entertained while maintaining our safety in these difficult times. Maybe parents could even have their children make a list of animals they want to find and cross them off as they are found. It could become a game to see who can finish their list first! I am including some pictures of the "Independence Zoo" animals we found today.

  • Date:04/30/2020 22:58 - 04/30/2020 22:00
  • Location Independence Township (Map)